Zone 4
Four friends engage in in-depth comic related discussion and all around good, fun conversation focused on the world of comics.

Brant is once again joined by "The Mayor" Don Johnston, and Brandon "Brando" Barrows to talk The Walking Dead! Season 4 has just ended for the mid-season break with the prison finale and the return of the Governor. The guys discuss the season so far, what they liked and didn't like, and speculation for the second half and going forward into season 5.

So pull up a chair, get in the spirit of the season, and have some zombie fun with Zone 4!

 (Original Numbering: Zone 4 - Extra: The Walking Dead Season 4 Mid-Season Finale)

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Links Mentioned During the Show


Jack Hammer from Action Lab Entertainment in November Diamond Previews

*The Walking Dead theme used in the intro and outro is copyright AMC and its respective owners.

Direct download: zone4extra-twds4b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

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