Fri, 20 June 2014
The CR owners take over the show as we discuss TV, comics, conventions, and more! This week, it's Brant, John, and Chuck M.! First up, we chat about random things to kick off the show. Then it's straight into Topic Time as we discuss the entire series of ARROW so far, with a strong focus on Season Two. We also discuss a bit about The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black, and other shows. After that, we talk about what comics we are reading. There's also an audio spot from Comic Geek Speak about a very special run they are doing to raise money for Livestrong in honor of one of their own. Before we close out, we discuss next weekend's Derby City Comic Con, which is also our sponsor. We talk in detail about the guests and the programming. And there's an announcement about the new artist on my (Brant) title, Wannabez! It's a jam-packed show from start to finish! (Original Numbering: Episode #274) Sponsor of the WeekThis Week's Links and Topics