Zone 4
Four friends engage in in-depth comic related discussion and all around good, fun conversation focused on the world of comics.

This week, the crew presents two, count 'em, two groups of Facebook Shout-Outs! Plus they play a trivia game called This Week in Comics that ties into a Headline heavy segment of Topic Time. As you might guess, all the game trivia ties into comic news released in the past week. And you'll never believe who wins!

(Original Numbering: Episode #185)



Cincinnati Comic Expo

Top Cow Talent Hunt

Ringtail Cafe

Excelsior Comics

Wonder Man

Doctor Who Meetup

Sinbad: The New Voyages

New Brother Bones Tale

Ron Fortier Teaching Comics Writing

Assailant Comics (Binary Gray & Sleepless)

Kayfabe - Brant's Wrestling Blog

CR Podcasting Network


Direct download: zone4185.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:59pm EDT

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