Zone 4
Four friends engage in in-depth comic related discussion and all around good, fun conversation focused on the world of comics.

A little late, but Day 10 of the 12 Days of Zone 4 is here as I share my thoughts on the final Peter Jackson Tolkien movie, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies!

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 10)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-010.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am EDT

I share some Christmas memories for this (late) 9th installment of the 12 Days of Zone 4!

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 9)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-009.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:09am EDT

It's day 8 of the 12 Days of Zone 4 as I talk about some video games I'm looking forward to in 2015!

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 8)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-008.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:36am EDT

It's another installment of the 12 Days of Zone 4 as I talk about films in 2015 I'm most looking forward to!

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 7)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-007.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03am EDT

They did it! They finally did it! The Zone 4 crew hits episode #300 as a very special guest drops by just in time for the holidays!

It's a free-form episode as our special guest (here's a hint, he's known to have a craving for milk and cookies) asks us questions and shares his thoughts on Zone 4.

Then we have a new Facebook Shout-Out, some more random conversation before making announcements and saying goodbye to 2014!

(Original Numbering: Episode #300!!!)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!


Pro Se Press

Airship 27 Entertainment

Derby City Comic Con

Occult Detectives Vol. 1

Moonstone Comics

Where's My Tail?

Direct download: zone40300.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:31pm EDT

In this installment, I talk about some of the prose work I enjoy reading, from Dragonlance to John Grisham.

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 6)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-006.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

In this installment, I talk about subscription mystery box services like Loot Crate, and my thoughts on them overall.


Check the ones I mentioned out at these links:

Loot Crate

Geek Fuel

1Up Box

Okashi Connection

Nerd Block

Arcade Block

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 5)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-005.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:39am EDT

It's Day 4 of the 12 Days of Zone 4, as I talk about CW's The 100!

Check out the interview I mention with Eliza Taylor here:

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 4)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-004-video.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EDT

It's Day 3 of the 12 Days of Zone 4 as I share my thoughts (so far) on the Spider-Verse event!

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 3)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-003.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41am EDT

Welcome back to the 12 Days of Zone 4!

In today's installment, I talk about my first gaming experience with Injustice: Gods Among Us for the Wii U!

Come back tomorrow for another installment of the 12 Days of Zone 4 as I give my thoughts so far on the Spider-Verse event!

(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 2)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-002.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EDT

Welcome to the 12 Days of Zone 4!

In celebration of the holidays, for the next 12 days (December 14-25) I will be sharing with you a short Zone 4 extra each day!

In this first one, I compare the first parts of the first novels of the Hunger Games and Divergent novel series.

Tune in every day through Christmas for a new extra spanning mediums and genres!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


(Original Numbering: 12 Days of Zone 4 - Day 1)

Direct download: 12DaysofZone4-001.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:27pm EDT

This week, the cast is light again due to some illness, but Brant, Ron and Gordon are in the house to talk some comics and TV.

First up, they discuss the mid-season finales of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Arrow, Flash and Gotham (spoilers, folks).

Next, it's Topic Time as they discuss the second issues of John Carter: Warlord of Mars, and The Lone Ranger: Vindicated, both from Dynamite Entertainment.

Then it's announcements and teases for the 300th episode before they close the show.

(Original Numbering: Episode #299)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

If you have comments, questions, complaints or whatever, feel free to contact us at!

Direct download: zone40299.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:04pm EDT

Spinning out of Hall of Toys and part of the Zone 4 family, Hit Points is here!

Brant and Chris return with a brand new podcast focusing on the world of gaming.

This inaugural episode, they are joined by Chris' brother Michael as they talk about recent trailers for upcoming games, November 2014 releases, a suspended Kickstarter, and the concept of season passes and dlc packs!

Then, watch for an extra episode we like to call "Expansion Packs" featuring commentary over the gameplay trailer for Uncharted 4 as seen at the PlayStation Experience!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hit Points, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show

Uncharted 4 Gameplay Trailer

Breaking Down the New Demo of The Order: 1886

Hands-On Preview: Until Dawn Wants to Torment You

"Yes, We Are Making Another God Of War" Says Sony Santa Monica

The Batman: Arkham Knight Ace Chemicals Trailer Wraps Up At PlayStation Experience

Watch: New Zelda Wii U Gameplay Shows Off Its Huge World

PS4 Also Getting New Godzilla Game

Resident Evil Remake Gets Release Date, Price

Game That Draws Real Blood Suspended by Kickstarter

Brooklyn Boyz 13 Vlogmas

Direct download: HitPoints001.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:50am EDT

This week, the cast is light again due to some illness, but Brant and Ron hold down the fort.

It's an all Headlines Topic Time, as they discuss television and film news in the world of comics and related media! From the Terminator trailer, to the casting of Suicide Squad, to the Flash/Arrow crossover, and much more, it's all about multimedia.

Then it's announcements before they close the show.

(Original Numbering: Episode #298)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!


Benedict Cumberbatch Confirmed as Doctor Strange

Krysten Ritter is Jessica Jones on Marvel Netflix Show

Deadpool Set to Film in March

Official Synopsis for Fantastic Four Reboot

Judy Greer is Janet Van Dyne? (last paragraph or so)

Terminator: Genisys Trailer

New James Bond Film Titled and Cast

Preacher Gets Pilot Order

Cliff Curtis Cast as Male Lead on Walking Dead Spinoff

Suicide Squad Cast Announced

Retro Girl Revealed (Powers)

Flash Mid-Season Finale Teaser

Why The Flash TV Fans Should Be Reading The Digital Comics

Arrow Mid-Season Finale Teaser

Arrow Hits New High


Occult Detectives

Airship 27 Entertainment

Assailant Comics

Singularity: Rise of the Posthumans

Where's My Tail?

Direct download: zone40298.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53pm EDT

This week, the cast is light due to holiday festivities and illness, so Brant and Chris chat for a while.

First, they talk about Thanksgiving, and some random chit-chat.

Then, it's on to the news, talking the Jurassic World and Star Wars VII trailers, sequel news, Convergence week 3, and more.

For Topic Time, they discuss a list of the Top 15 Lamest Superheroes in Comics (aka Biggest Turkeys), which they have some issues with.

To close out the show, they go to announcements before sidetracking into some wrestling discussion as the show comes to an end.

(Original Numbering: Episode #297)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!


15 Lamest Superheroes of All Time

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens Trailer

Jurassic World Trailer

Independence Day Sequel Announced, Sans Will Smith

Convergence Week 3

Ultron Forever


Brooklyn Boyz 13

Comic Frontline

Frontline Gaming Zone

Hall of Toys

Assailant Comics

Singularity: Rise of the Posthumans

Direct download: zone40297.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55pm EDT

This week, the regular cast of Brant, John, Gordon and Ron return with some explosive new #1 issues from Dynamite Entertainment!

First up, they talk a little about Flash, Arrow and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then, it's on to the news as they discuss TV, film, and comic happening.s

Finally, in Topic Time, they review two new #1 issues from Dynamite with The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #1 and John Carter: Warlord of Mars #1!

And then they close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #296)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!


Alien on Agents of SHIELD Finally Revealed

Marvel's "Jessica Jones" Series Down to Four Actresses

Secret Identities Series Unmasked

Guardians Team-Up Series Announced (too much Guardians?)

How Guardians of the Galaxy Should Have Ended

Chris Pratt to Play Lead in Cowboy Ninja Viking

Dynamite Buys Atlas Comics Trademark


Chicago Tardis

Sinbad, The New Voyages Vol. 4


Dave Arhar

Cavalcade of Comics

Assailant Comics

Singularity: Rise of the Posthumans

Direct download: zone40296.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:50pm EDT

This week, it's a Zone 4 Classic as Cary Kelley and Chuck Kennedy return! They join Brant and John as they look at Convergence, Secret Wars, Flash, Gotham, Comics Journalism, and more!

Not to mention James Franco naked at Chuck's house...

Plus, the moratorium on Nicolas Cage and horse movies being banned from Zone 4 is lifted.

And then they close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #295)

Look for a special extra episode featuring the Silver Age cast in the upcoming weeks!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!


Convergence Week 1 (First 10)

Everything Ends, Secret Wars Commences

Everything That's Wrong with Comics Journalism


Assailant Comics


Comic Related

Singularity: Rise of the Posthumans

Direct download: zone40295.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:51am EDT

This week, Brant, John, Gordon and Ron return for a free-form episode, talking about Marvel and DC's new events, Secret Wars and Convergence respectively, monsters in comics, the 6 Billion Dollar Man film, comics, TV, and more!

And then they close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #294)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

Direct download: zone40294.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:14pm EDT

This week, Brant, John, Gordon and Ron return for our old-time Halloween special!

First up, enjoy the Zone 4 Players as we present a classic lost radio show episode of Zone 4!

Then it's on to headlines for a loose-form topic time, talking about Marvel's film slate, Supergirl and Krypton shows, Constantine, and more!

And then theyclose out the show with announcements, including updates on the 300th episode in December!

(Original Numbering: Episode #293)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40293.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33pm EDT

Brant is once again joined by "The Mayor" Don Johnston, and Brandon "Brando" Barrows to talk The Walking Dead! Season 5 has three episodes under its belt and The Hunters story arc has just wrapped. The guys discuss the season so far, what they liked and didn't like, and speculation for the next arc and future of the series!

So pull up a chair, get in the spirit of the season, and have some zombie fun with Zone 4!

(Original Numbering: Zone 4 Xtra: Walking Dead, Season 5)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us.

Links Mentioned During the Show

Jack Hammer from Action Lab Entertainment in Diamond Previews *The Walking Dead theme used in the intro and outro is copyright AMC and its respective owners.
Direct download: zone4extra-twds5a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04pm EDT

Welcome back to the Hall of Toys!

Brant and Chris return with the final full-format edition of Hall of Toys before the show takes its next evolution.

First up, we make some more announcements about the future of HoT and talk a bit about Frontline Gaming Zone!

Then, it's Toy Talk, with Transformers, Halo, Final Fantasy, Ghostbusters, and more!

Next, it's the final Game Gab as we discuss Super Smash Bros., Sunset Overdrive, Xbox One price slash, retro games, and more!

After that, it's Table Top Talk with a few card and board games, including a hilarious one!

Finally, we close out the show with a joint And... Action Figure and the obligatory closing.

And don't forget to check out the Dark Avenger INC online store, where you can now purchase a Hall of Toys t-shirt!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hall of Toys, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show


Dragonball Z: S.H. Figuarts - Vegetto

Dragonball Z: Figuarts Zero EX - Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku

Goliath Premier Scale Statue Savage Skin NYCC 2014 Exclusive

Halo 2014 Figure Series 01 - Set of Halo 2 Master Chief & Master Chief with Cloak

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes 1/6 Scale Snake Statue

TW-H04 Infinitor

TW-D02 Muddy

Ghostbusters Hikari Figure - Stay Puft

Iron Man 3: 1/9 Scale Iron Man Mark XXXVII The Hammer Armor Figure

Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children Series 02 - Play Arts Kai - Cloud Strife

Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children Series 02 - Play Arts Kai - Tifa Lockhart

Kickstarter: Bricks of the MOUSE GUARD for your Miniature Figures


Super Smash Bros. on Wii U Confirms Eight-Player Battles, Mewtwo DLC, and Stage Creator

Nintendo Amiibos

Sunset Overdrive Walkthrough

Bayonetta 2

The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series Comes to PS4 and Xbox One

Xbox One Drops Price

Game Releases for November


Adventure Time Card Wars: Bubblegum Princess vs. Lumpy Space Princess

Bravest Warriors: Co-Operative Dice Game

Kickstarter: Table 2 - Tabletop and Board Game Learning Expo

Kickstarter: Return of the Dragon

Kickstarter: 50 sHAdes of VORpal

And... Action Figure!

Brant & Chris' Joint Pick:

Marvel Select Carnage

Displayed at NYCC 2014


Direct download: HOT-020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm EDT

Welcome back to the Hall of Toys!

Brant and Chris return to talk about the toy news from New York Comic Con and more.

First up, we make some announcements about the future of HoT and talk a bit about Frontline Gaming Zone!

Then, it's Toy Talk, with Mortal Kombat, Aliens, Planet of the Apes, DC, Marvel, Yu-Gi-Oh, and more.

After that, it's Table Top Talk with a few card and board games.

Finally, we close out the show with a quick And Action Figure on the fly and some announcements.

And don't forget to check out the Dark Avenger INC online store, where you can now purchase a Hall of Toys t-shirt!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hall of Toys, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show

Toy Talk

Ghostbusters Q-Pop Figures: Ray Peter Egon Winston

J. Scott Campbell Spider-Man Collection - Spider-Man Classic Polystone Statue

Rocket Raccoon 8" Plush

DC Universe Super Powers - Gold Superman

DC Universe Super Powers - Mr. Mxyzptlk

Night's Edge Sword

X-Men Classic POP! Figure - Deadpool

Maximum Carnage 1/6 Scale Fine Art Statue

Guardians of the Galaxy Scalers - Set of Rocket & Groot

Dragonball Z Gigantic Series Vegeta (Normal) 1/4 Scale Figure

Aliens Minimates Series 01 Counter Display of 12

Star Wars Hero Series X-Wing Fighter Vehicle

Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron Figures and Toys

New York Comic Con 2014 Toy Exclusives

Chris' NYCC 2014 Photos: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Table Top Talk

DC Comics: Crisis Expansion Organized Play

Magic: The Gathering Board Game

Kickstarter: Superhuman: Rise to Power

Kickstarter: Space Movers

Kickstarter: Dead Drop - A Pub Series Game

And... Action Figure!

Brant's Pick -

Mortal Kombat Scorpion Statue

Chris' Pick -

NECA Aliens Facehugger

Direct download: HOT-019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07pm EDT

This week, Brant, John, Chris and Ron tackle some news and a couple of comic reviews.

First up, the guys catch up on some comic related TV with Gotham, Flash, Arrow and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and talk about some news surrounding those shows.

Then it's on to some other film, TV and comic headlines, including Vertigo, the Age of Ultron trailer, Attilan Rising, and more.

For Topic Time, the guys cover two new #1 issues in Sleepy Hollow #1 from BOOM! Studios and Birthright #1 from Image Comics.

And then theyclose out the show with announcements as usual.

(Original Numbering: Episode #292)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40292.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34pm EDT

This week, Brant, John, Gordon and Ron talk about a bunch of news coming straight out of (and after) New York Comic Con 2014.

We talk about DC's film slate, Resident Evil and Underworld coming to TV, Civil War returning in comic and movie form, Powers, Daredevil, Top Cow's Talent Hunt, Mortal Kombat, and much more!

And we close out the show with announcements as usual.

(Original Numbering: Episode #291)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics



More to be added later...

New York Comic Con

John's Facebook Page

Pro Se Productions

New Comic Day

Jamie and the Fisheyed Goggles

The Purple Scar, Vol. 1

Moonstone Comics

Rocky Mountain Con

Tall Pulp

Chicago Tardis

Singularity: Rise of the Posthumans

Assailant Comics

Comic Frontline

Direct download: zone40291.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:11pm EDT

This week, Brant, John, Gordon and Ron dive into talk about Gotham and Arrow, before shifting gears to comic book and film headlines.

After that, Ron bids us farewell as the rest take a look at Dynamite's "Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini" #1.

And we close out the show with announcements as usual.

(Original Numbering: Episode #290)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Series
New Look for Archie Comics' Dark Circle Line in 2015
The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Ecceleston) Comics Coming from Titan
Dynamite to do James Bond Comics
Transformers: Robots in Disguise Heads to Cartoon Network
Ghostbusters 3 is Out, Reboot Planned
Chris Claremont on Why X-Men Writers Can't Create New Characters
Fox Bringing X-Men to TV?
Robert Downey Jr Confirms Iron Man 4...
...But then Says There are NO Plans for Iron Man 4
Flash is CW's Highest Rated Premiere in 5 Years
Reverse Flash Photos Surface Online
Captain Cold in Action on The Flash


More to be added later...

New York Comic Con

Henchmen, Inc.

Assailant Comics

Comic Frontline

Direct download: zone40290.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:15am EDT

This week, Brant, John, and Chuck Moore talk about Comic Related's 10-Year Anniversary, chat about some comic related television, catch up on comics from Marvel, DC and indies, and much more!

It's a free-flowing format this week. For our YouTube listeners, there is a special section added on the Comic Frontline version of the show asking you all a question, so be sure to tune in!

And we close out the show with announcements as usual.

(Original Numbering: Episode #289)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!


This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40289.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm EDT

Welcome back to the Hall of Toys!

Brant and Chris return to talk about the latest toy preorders, video game news and releases & more!

First up, we make some announcements about the future of HoT and talk a bit about Frontline Gaming Zone!

Then, it's Toy Talk, with Darth Vader toast! Plus TMNT, Guardians of the Galaxy, weird Batman statues & more.

Next, it's Game Gab, as we discuss Destiny, Halloween plans, and more.

After that, it's Table Top Talk with a few card game updates.

And of course, And... Action Figure as we pick our figures for the episode.

Finally, we close out the show.

And don't forget to check out the Dark Avenger INC online store, where you can now purchase a Hall of Toys t-shirt!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hall of Toys, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show

Toy Talk

Guardians of The Galaxy Action Hero Vignette - Baby Groot

POP! Marvel (BOBBLE): Guardians of the Galaxy - Dancing Groot

Batman Dynamic Duo Monolith

1/10 Scale Luke & Leia A New Hope ArtFX Statue Two Pack

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - TMNT Revoltech Figure - Raphael

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - TMNT Revoltech Figure - Michaelangelo

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - TMNT Revoltech Figure - Donatello

CIE 2014 - Connor Kent (Superboy)

1/6 Scale Marvel Action Figure - Deadpool

Disney Figure Christmas Series - Mickey

Darth Vader Toaster

Aliens - Xenomorph Queen Ultra Deluxe Boxed 15" Tall x 30" Long Action Figure

Game Gab

Frontline Gaming Zone

Destiny Walkthrough


Hyrule Warriors

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Infinite Crisis Update

Table Top Talk

Hobbit Card Game Expansion (Cryptozoic)

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Card Game Expansion (Cryptozoic)

DC Comics Epic Battles Cards (Cryptozoic)

And... Action Figure!

Brant's Pick -

The Flash Action Figure (CW TV Show)

Chris' Pick -

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - TMNT Revoltech Figure - Leonardo

Direct download: HOT-018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:21pm EDT

This week, Brant, John, Gordon and Ron discuss new and returning series this season.

Two episodes of new show Forever have aired, we discuss the second one.

Then it's onto some film and television related headlines.

After that, we each talk about a recent comic we have been reading.

Finally, it's Topic Time as we discuss the series premiere of Gotham and the season 2 premiere of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

And we close out the show with announcements as usual.

(Original Numbering: Episode #288)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40288.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:17pm EDT

This week, Brant, John, Gordon and Ron take to the news and do a headlines-centric episode, mostly focusing on TV and Film. A Deadpool film? A Titans drama? JLA goes to Machinima? And much more!

Then Ron and Brant discuss the pilot of new Ioan Gruffudd vehicle, Forever, that debuts on Monday and Tuesday.

After that, Gordon, Ron and Brant discuss which comics they are enjoying these days.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #287)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40287.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:53pm EDT

The crew returns with comic, television and movie news, and more!

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon and Ron!

We talk about some headlines to start off, like Spider-Man becoming a guidance counselor at the Jean Grey School, rumors about the Venom and Sinister Six movies, and more.

Then, we continue from episode #283's 40 Movies Based on Comics discussion with the final 20!

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #286)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40286.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55pm EDT

The crew returns with comic reviews, news, and more!

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon and Ron!

We talk about some headlines to start off, like The Rock playing Black Adam, Greatest American Hero being revived, a new Power Girl and more.

Then, we review a couple of books in The Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1 from Valiant, Cloaks #1 from BOOM! Studios, Grendel/The Shadow #1 from Dark Horse, and Wayward #1 from Image.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #285)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40285.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28pm EDT

The crew returns with special guest Dirk Manning!

This week, it's Brant, John, Chuck Kennedy and Dirk Manning!

This week is all Topic Time as Dirk Manning stops by to talk about his latest book, The Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon, which releases in a couple of weeks! There are many tangents and sidetracks, a calling out of Victor Dandridge, and more fun in this packed episode! So hide your faces and get ready!

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #284)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40284.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss 20 movies that you might not know were based on comics.

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon, Ron.

To kick things off, Gordon and Ron share their thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy.

Then, we discuss Don Pardo and various headlines ranging from film, to TV, to comics.

For Topic Time, we talk about 40 movies (but we only get to 20) that you may or may not know were based on comic books, with some added stories and discussion on the movies themselves.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #283)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40283.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:16pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss a movie and a movie career.

This week, it's Brant, John, Chuck M. and Mike L.

We all reminisce about the life and career of Robin Williams to start things off. That leads into Lauren Bacall and other sidetracks.

For Topic Time, we finally discuss the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, implications for sequels, and news about the future of that property.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #282)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40282.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37pm EDT

aka, Gardners of the Galaxy...

The crew returns to discuss four new comics, headlines and more.

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon & Chris

Things get kicked off with some banter and some headlines, ranging from comics, to film to cereal! Then we have a brand new Facebook Shout-Out.

For Topic Time, we discuss four new titles, with Star Wars: Rebel Heist #4, Terminal Hero #1, Deep Gravity #1, and Grimm Fairy Tales #101.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #281)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40281.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss more San Diego Comic-Con news!

This week, it's Brant, John, Chris & Mike Ventura.

It's an all San Diego Comic-Con news discussion as we talk about all the stories out of Comic-Con that we found interesting. From Marvel, to DC, to IDW, Legendary, to CW, to wrestling and much more!

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #280)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40280.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss San Diego Comic-Con news and Ron's new comic book.

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon & Ron

First up, we go over some of the news that had been released from San Diego Comic-Con as of recording time, including news from Marvel, Dynamite, in film, television, etc.

For Topic Time, we discuss Ron's brand new comic book, I.V. Frost, Scientific Detective, the first full-color comic from Redbud Studios.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #279)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40279.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27pm EDT

Welcome back to the Hall of Toys!

Brant and Chris return to talk Transformers, E3, SDCC, tabletop, and more!

First up, it's Toy Talk, with Chris' latest Transformers purchases, plus Sharknado, and some SDCC exclusives from Toys R Us and Mattel.

Then it's Game Gab, as we FINALLY talk about all the cool games coming out of E3 2014.

Next, it's Table Top Talk as we discuss the latest games on Kickstarter and more.

And finally, we close out the show, or at least try to. There will be an outtakes show coming!

And don't forget to check out the Dark Avenger INC online store, where you can now purchase a Hall of Toys t-shirt!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hall of Toys, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show

Toy Talk

Transformers Toys

Funko Sharknado

Toys R Us SDCC 2014 Exclusives

Mattel SDCC 2014 Exclusives

Game Gab

Games of E3

Table Top Talk

Munchkin Comic

DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Forever Evil

Kickstarter: Dungeon Lords Anniversary Edition

Kickstarter: Mouse Guard: Swords & Strongholds

Kickstarter: Braiiiins

Kickstarter: 27th Passenger: A Hunt on Rails

Kickstarter: Official ElfQuest Adventure

Kickstarter: The Reunion: A Storytelling Card Game

And... Action Figure!

Brant's Pick -

Guardians of the Galaxy 1/6 Scale Movie Masterpiece Figure - Groot & Rocket Raccoon Set

Chris' Pick -

Transformers 4: Age of Extinction Generations Leader Class Optimus Prime Figure

Honorable Mention -

The Joker & Harley Quinn Statue

Direct download: HOT-017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss the latest shake-ups in the Avengers.

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon & Ron

First up, we pause for the audio spot from Comic Geek Speak about a special run they are doing to raise money for Livestrong in honor of one of their own.

Then we jump into some headlines, covering film, cartoons, Netflix, comics and more, with the final two leading into our main topic.

For Topic Time, we discuss the ramifications of the newly announced members of the new Avengers team coming in November with Avengers NOW!, lead by all-new versions of Cap, Iron Man and Thor.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #278)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40278.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:13pm EDT

The crew returns with a Headline Edition of the show.

This week, it's Brant, John, and Chris.

It's all about the headlines this episode, from Superman symbols, to Arrow casting, to Harley Queen at Comic-Con, to Image Expo and more.

There's also an audio spot from Comic Geek Speak about a very special run they are doing to raise money for Livestrong in honor of one of their own.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #277)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40277.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03pm EDT

The crew returns to reminisce over Derby City Comic Con, talk some headlines, and review some comics.

This week, it's Brant, John, and Ron.

First up, we talk at length about Derby City Comic Con.

Then we talk some comic and TV headlines, mostly centered around the character of Green Arrow, and some other things as well.

After that, we take a look at the second issue of Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult from Dynamite Entertainment. And then Star Wars: Rebel Heist #3 (of 4) from Dark Horse

There's also an audio spot from Comic Geek Speak about a very special run they are doing to raise money for Livestrong in honor of one of their own.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #276)

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Direct download: zone40276.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm EDT

The crew returns to talk Mark Millar's Starlight.

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon and Ron.

First up, we catch up on a few headlines in TV, film and of course, comics.

Then we have a special Facebook Shout-Out.

After that, we dive into issues #3-4 of Mark Millar's Flash Gordon-esque STARLIGHT from Image Comics. And from there, the discussion veers off into a discussion of late books and accountability and so forth in an unexpected sidetrack.

There's also an audio spot from Comic Geek Speak about a very special run they are doing to raise money for Livestrong in honor of one of their own.

And we close out the show with announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #275)

This Week's Links and Topics

Henchmen (Now Available on ComiXology!)

Direct download: zone40275.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:02pm EDT

The CR owners take over the show as we discuss TV, comics, conventions, and more!

This week, it's Brant, John, and Chuck M.!

First up, we chat about random things to kick off the show. Then it's straight into Topic Time as we discuss the entire series of ARROW so far, with a strong focus on Season Two.

We also discuss a bit about The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black, and other shows.

After that, we talk about what comics we are reading.

There's also an audio spot from Comic Geek Speak about a very special run they are doing to raise money for Livestrong in honor of one of their own.

Before we close out, we discuss next weekend's Derby City Comic Con, which is also our sponsor. We talk in detail about the guests and the programming.

And there's an announcement about the new artist on my (Brant) title, Wannabez!

It's a jam-packed show from start to finish!

(Original Numbering: Episode #274)

Sponsor of the Week

Derby City Comic Con

This Week's Links and Topics

Henchmen (Now Available on ComiXology!)

Direct download: zone40274.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:06pm EDT

The (sort of) original crew of Zone 4 returns! (Hey, John joined very early on after Jason!)

This week, it's Brant, John, Chuck K. and Cary!

We discuss several the rumored DC movies in depth, as well as Marvel's Time Runs Out event, Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Verse and more, the New 52, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and more amidst many technical difficulties - just like a classic episode of Zone 4!

There's also an audio spot from Comic Geek Speak about a very special run they are doing to raise money for Live Strong.

Finally, we wrap things up with some announcements and closing.

(Original Numbering: Episode #273)

Sponsor of the Week

Derby City Comic Con

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics


Steampunk Originals


Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Henchmen (Now Available for Pre-Order on ComiXology!)

Direct download: zone40273.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34am EDT

Brant and I talk about all the news that came out of C2E2 this week. Our thoughts on a few comics that came out this past week. Sadly no Zone 4 segment this week. Then Brant and I conclude with the Weekly Rundown of comics coming out the week of May 7th, 2014.

*Apologies in advance, I was very tired this week due to a REALLY busy schedule and Brant was really awesome and came on the show to help keep me going so I didn't fall asleep mid-cast. Alos, we had a lot of great conversations, and great times as always.


Direct download: birdplanepodcast003.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:10am EDT

The crew returns to discuss the first four issues (including #0) of Marvel's Original Sin!

This week, it's Brant and John.

We discuss several Marvel headlines to kick off the show, including movie news and shake-ups in the Marvel offices.

For Topic Time, we dive into Original Sin #0-3 in depth. SPOILER WARNING! We spoil the heck out of them!

Finally, we wrap things up with some announcements and closing.

(Original Numbering: Episode #272)

Sponsors of the Week

Derby City Comic Con

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

If you have comments, questions, complaints or whatever, feel free to contact us at!


This Week's Links and Topics

Steampunk Originals



Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Henchmen (Now Available for Pre-Order on ComiXology!)

Direct download: zone40272.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46pm EDT

The crew returns to to talk news, news, and more news!

This week, it's Brant, John, Chris & Mike Ventura.

We discuss several headlines, including Graphicly closing, the New 52 Helena Bertinelli, Edgar Wright leaving Ant-Man and much more.

For Topic Time, we talk about Star Wars: Rebel Heist #2, Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult #1, and Trees #1.

Finally, we wrap things up with some announcements and closing.

(Original Numbering: Episode #271)

This Week's Links and Topics

Daredevil Netflix Changes

Daredevil Netflix Finds its Matt Murdock

The New 52 Helena Bertinelli

Graphicly Closes

More on Graphicly Closing

NYCC Special Edition

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's aPodcast #7



Steampunk Originals



River City Comic Expo

Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

In the Dark 2

Singularity: Rise of the Posthuamns

Direct download: zone40271.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm EDT

In this episode I talk about The TMNT movie coming out at the end of this summer, you all wanted to hear my uncensored opinion on it well now you’ll have it. My thoughts on DC’s 3rd weekly series “Worlds End” and the Batman: Assault on Arkham trailer. Then on to the Comic Spotlight, where I talk about the best and worst books from the week of April 16th. Brant and Chuck from Zone 4 Talk C2E2. Brant and I Talk DC and Marvel Solicitations for July 2014. Then Brant and I conclude the show with the Weekly Rundown of comics coming out the week of April 30th 2014.


The TMNT Teaser Trailer…
The 3rd Weekly DC series “Worlds End”…
The Batman: Assault on Arkham Trailer…
DC & Marvel Solicits:……


Direct download: birdplanepodcast002.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53pm EDT

The crew returns to to talk news, news, and more news!

This week, it's Brant, John, Ron, Frank.

First up, Ron fills us in on his trip to New Hampshire, and Frank regales about his birthday.

Then we discuss some headlines, including Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, the new Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, Zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales reaching issue #100, and more.

For Topic Time, the guys finally discuss the season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the season in its entirety, and the implications going forward.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements and closing.

(Original Numbering: Episode #270)

This Week's Links and Topics

New Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer

Grimm Fairy Tales #100 & Realm War

DC August 2014 Solicits

Marvel August 2014 Solicits

FB Shout Out: Dramatis Personae: Public Domain

Airship 27 Productions

Pro Se Productions

River City Comic Expo

Comic Frontline

Tim Simmons

Assailant Comics

Direct download: zone40270.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33pm EDT

The crew returns to to talk news, news, and more news!

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon, Chris.

First up, John recaps us on the River City Comic Expo, and makes an announcement about Queen City's newest convention.

Then it's a headline edition as the guys discuss the Flash trailers, Alien Nation, Transformers, Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, New 52 Superman, Original Sin, Star Wars, and much more!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements, closing (in George Takei speech), and outtakes.

(Original Numbering: Episode #269)

Sponsors of the Week

Derby City Comic Con

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Flash Teaser

Flash 5 Minute preview and First Look Clip

John Barrowman becomes Arrow regular

Channing Tatum as Gambit 

Alien Nation Returns to Fox 

The "Science"of the Transformers 

H.R.Geiger Dies 

Airship 27 Productions

Pro Se Productions

Queen City Comic Con

River City Comic Expo

Comic Frontline

It's a Podcast #5

Assailant Comics

Direct download: zone40269.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:39pm EDT

The crew returns to to talk news, comics, conventions and more!

This week, it's Brant, Gordon, Mike and Ron.

First up, we share Free Comic Book Day stories.

Then we cover some news items, like the Gotham trailer, Star Wars rumors, and Bill Finger's family's beef with DC.

Next up is Topic Time, as we review the first two issues of Bryan Hitch's REAL HEROES.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #268)

Sponsors of the Week

River City Comics Expo

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Real Heroes #1 Preview

Real Heroes #2 Preview

Gotham Picked Up for 13 Episodes, Debut Trailer

Star Wars VII New Subtitle Rumors

Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU) No Longer Canon

Bill Finger's Granddaughter Not Okay with DC Comics


Joss Whedon: A Celebration

Pro Se Productions

Airship 27 Productions

Brother Bones: Tapestry of Blood

Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Jack Hammer TPB

Direct download: zone40268.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:12pm EDT

The crew returns to to talk news, comics, conventions and more!

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon and Ron.

First up, it's a report from C2E2 and the Windy City Pulp & Paper Show.

Then we cover some news items, like the Justice League movie, Marvel's 100th Anniversary, Star Wars news and more.

Next up is Topic Time, as we review two new #1 issues, with Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1 from Dark Horse, and Rai #1 from Valiant.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #267)

Sponsors of the Week


If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Justice League Movie Confirmed

Marvel's 100th Anniversary

Star Wars: Rebels Trailer Debut

Star Wars Episode VII Cast Announced

Joss Whedon: A Celebration

Pro Se Productions

Airship 27 Productions

Gryphon Games & Comics

Pride of the Mohicans

The Charlton Arrow

The Zone Comic Shop

River City Comics Expo


Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Jack Hammer #3

New Comic Day

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Podcast

Comic Related's C2E2 Hub

Direct download: zone40267.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:09pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss Son of Batman, Superman/Batman casting and C2E2.

This week, it's Brant, John, Chris and Chuck.

Plus, new Facebook Shout-Outs!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #266)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

This Week's Links and Topics

Ray Fisher Cast as Cyborg in Superman/Batman

Jem and the Holograms First Look

Son of Batman

Batman: Assault on Arkham Trailer

River City Comics Expo

Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Jack Hammer #3

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Podcast

Direct download: zone40266.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:52pm EDT

The first episode has landed!

In this episode I (Chris Ventura) introduce the podcast, segments, and things to expect on here.

Comic Talk:
Batman 75th V.S Superman 75th
Grayson, Multiversity, Robin Rising: Omega

Toy Zone:
Wally West DC Signature Series Figure from Matty Collector
3D Wall Decal Lights by ShirtShak Inc.

Comic Spotlight:
Batman Eternal
GodStorm:Hercules Payne #1

Outside The Pages:
Preparing for the podcast/randomness

Zone 4 Segment
Brant introduces Zone 4 and talks about what to expect from this segment.

Comic Rundown:
Talking about all the books coming out on April 23rd 2014.

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of the PODCAST, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at chris @ (no spaces).

Links Discussed on the Show

Direct download: birdplanepodcast001.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:40am EDT

The crew returns to discuss Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the latest episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This week, it's Brant, Gordon, Frank and Ron.

Plus, we FINALLY dispell the rumors that Gordon and Frank are the same person!

We open up the show with a special treat, that most of the cast doesn't even know about.

There's also a special Shout-Out to one of our loyal legionnaires for a new addition to his family.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #265)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episode 19 Promo

Patton Oswalt's Lie Detector AOS Clip

Captain America: The Winter Soldier on Box Office Mojo

Free Comic Book Day

Derby City Comic Con

The Vril Agenda

Windy City Pulp & Paper Show

FOCO Comics & Gaming Festival

Airship 27 Productions

Third Coast Comics: Gail Simone

Joss Whedon: A Celebration

River City Comics Expo

Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Son of Batman Advance Review

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Podcast

Super Hero Speak Announcement

Direct download: zone40265.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:28pm EDT

Welcome back to the Hall of Toys!

Brant, Chris and Lisa are back with an extended version from the Zone 4 segment last week!

First up, it's Toy Talk, ranging from Disney Princesses, to Ghostbusters, to Pacific Rim, to Marvel Comics and everything in between.

Then it's Game Gab, as Lisa fills us in on what game she's been playing recently, we talk Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U, and more.

Next, it's a short version of Table Top Talk as we discuss Adventure Time: Card Wars, the DC Deck Building Game and others.

And finally, we close out the show, or at least try to. And there be outtakes!

And don't forget to check out the Dark Avenger INC online store, where you can now purchase a Hall of Toys t-shirt!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hall of Toys, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show

Zone 4's 5-Year Anniversary Episode

Toy Talk

Disney Traditions Princess Story Book - Cinderella

Disney Traditions Princess Story Book - Snow White

Disney Traditions Princess Story Book - Beauty & the Beast

Disney Traditions Princess Story Book - Little Mermaid

Disney Showcase Couture de Force Figure - Tinker Bell

S.H. MonsterArts - Godzilla

Godzilla Egg Series - Godzilla

Godzilla Egg Series - Mothra

Pacific Rim - 7" Essential Jaegers Series 01 - Set of 2 (Crimson Typhoon & Striker

Pacific Rim - 7" Ultra Deluxe Action Figure - Kaiju Scunner

Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Platinum Legends Series 01 - Set of 6 BAF Groot

Avengers Infinite 3.75" Figure Series 01 - Case of 12

Marvel Chess Figure Collection #003 - Wolverine White Knight

Marvel Chess Figure Collection #004 - Loki Black Bishop

Transformers 3" Vinyl Figure Exclusive Ultra Magnus

TG32 - Minicon Set

Ghostbusters POP! Vinyl Figures

Ghostbusters POP! Vinyl Winston and Ecto-1

Game Gab


Mario Kart 8

Xbox One External Storage

Table Top Talk

Adventure Time: Card Wars

DC Deck Building Game Crisis Expansion

Direct download: HallofToys--016.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:13am EDT

The crew returns with the extra-special, extra-long 5-Year Anniversary Episode!

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon and Ron.

We have a HUGE show this week. First, the guys open with a skit.

Next, we do our usual opening and headlines, followed by TWO Topic Time segments, reviewing Starlight #2 and Flash Gordon #1!

Then, we have sample audio from upcoming episodes of Hall of Toys and the RaynMan Power Hour!

There's also Facebook Shout-Outs, and guest audio clips to round out the show!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #264)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Fans Recreate Rom: Spaceknight #1

DC Delays

Deadpool Sets Guinness World Record

Doctor Who Meet-Up

Windy City Pulp & Paper Show

Lance Star, Sky Ranger Vol. 4

FOCO Comics & Gaming Festival

Moonstone Books

Airship 27 Productions

River City Comics Expo

Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Gem City Comic Con

RaynMan Power Hour

Special Thanks to...

The KLIQ Nation

Comic Book Nerd Nation

Cast Bender

Comic Frontline

Comic Uno

Mike Spiderslayer


Direct download: zone40264.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53am EDT

The crew returns with another episode of your favorite Friday Night Delight!

This week, it's Brant, John, Cary and Frank.

We discuss, in a loose format, several news stories and go off on tangents of the X-Men film and so forth. Then we dive into Topic Time talking about our favorite comic films in the past 14 years (though the guys never seem to keep it in that time frame!).

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #263)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Gem City Comic Con

Derby City Comic Con

RaynMan Power Hour

Dynagirl Online

Red Handed Studios

Airship 27 Productions


River City Comics Expo

The Buffy Challenge

Comic Frontline

Assailant Comics

Direct download: zone40263.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:52pm EDT

An important update about the massive, celebratory 5-Year Anniversary episode of Zone 4, which will now air on April 11th!

Direct download: zone4-5yearanniversaryannouncement.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:36pm EDT

The crew returns with another episode of your favorite Friday Night Delight!

This week, it's Brant, John, Chuck and Frank

We discuss, in a loose format, the Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe special, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and more Marvel movie goodness! There's even some brief talk about the cinematic DC Universe toward the end.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #262)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Amy Acker Cast as Coulson's Cellist

Winter Soldier Featurette

Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe

Avengers: Age of Ultron Set Pictures

Avengers: Age of Ultron Set Videos

Patton Oswalt to Guest Star on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Downey Jr. Calls Avengers 2 "Ambitious," Teases Hawkeye's Role

Chris Evans Ready to Leave Marvel Films (And Film in General)


Chuck Returns to The Related Recap

Derby City Comic Con Presents CAVALCADE OF COMICS

Charlie Tonic Hour

River City Comics Expo

The Buffy Challenge

Comic Frontline

Direct download: zone40262.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:12pm EDT

The crew returns with another episode of your favorite Friday Night Delight!

This week, it's Brant, John, Gordon and Chris.

First up, the guys discuss some headlines, including the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer, DC buying Dynamite?, The Walking Dead, Incredibles, Powers, and more.

Then, for Topic Time, it's all about Marvel's Original Sin event this summer, and Marvel events in general.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #261)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

DC Looking to Buy Dynamite Entertainment?

DiDio, Harras & Others Making the West Coast Jump

The Incredibles FINALLY Gets a Sequel

The Walking Dead Comes to FOX

Bendis & Oeming's Powers Comes to PlayStation

New Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer

Abnett & Lanning Reunite for Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude

Marvel June 2014 Solicitations

Original Sins Against Cap

Avengers' Original Sin

Original Sin Variants

Marvel's Original Sin

Marvel May 2014 Solicitations


BBZ Cast

Brooklyn Boyz

Brooklyn Boyz 13 on Facebook

Comic Frontline

DanCon 2014

Chicago Doctor Who Meetup

Windy City Pulp & Paper Show

Chicago Geek Breakfast

Joss Whedon: A Celebration

Arsenio Hall


River City Comics Expo

Lexington Comic Con CR Hub

IDW June 2014 Solicitations

The Buffy Challenge

Agent Solo Webcomic

RaynMan Power Hour

Assailant Comics

Jack Hammer

Direct download: zone40261.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:38pm EDT

The crew returns with another episode of your favorite Friday Night Delight!

This week, it's Brant, John, Mike and Chris.

First up, the guys discuss the latest episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as implications of past episodes and upcoming episodes.

We talk about a few news items here and there in a loose fashion before heading into our topic for the week...

Guardians of the Galaxy! Mike, our Cosmic Marvel afficianado takes us on a journey through the history of the team in the comics, and we talk about the current comics and the upcoming film as well.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #260)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Heroes' Adrian Pasdar Guest-Starring on AOS

First Look at Constantine

Smoke-Filled Constantine First Look

SDCC Badges Go On Sale Saturday

Marvel Film Head-to-Head with Superman/Batman

Karen Gillan Talks "Girlie Fights" in Guardians of the Galaxy

Glow-in-the-Dark Radio

Cosmic Crackle

Comic Frontline

Brooklyn Boyz

Lexington Comic Con

River City Comics Expo

Lady Frostblood

Assailant Comics

Jack Hammer

Zone 4's Top 5 for the Week of March 5, 2014

Direct download: zone40260.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on March 5, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #8: Week of Mar. 5 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-008.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Zone 4 #305: Starlight, The Veil & More

The crew returns with another episode of your favorite Friday Night Delight!

First up, the guys discuss the latest episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then, as they go into headlines, they talk about Image Publisher Eric Stephenson's speech at the ComicsPro Retailer gathering, which sidetracks into a great discussion on gimmicks and the industry as a whole.

From there, it's more headlines, including castings, trailers and other comic news.

For Topic Time, the guys review two new #1 issues in Mark Millar's Starlight from Image Comics, and Greg Rucka's The Veil from Dark Horse.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #259)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Paul Levitz Joins BOOM! Board of Directors/ Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Named CCO of Archie Comics

Image Publisher Eric Stephenson's Speech Causes a Stir

The Full Eric Stephenson Speech

Full Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer

First Look at The Flash in Costume

Zach Snyder Defends Eisenberg as Lex Luthor

Zack Snyder on Watchmen, 300 and More

More 3D Covers and a Third Weekly Series from DC

New Pulp Awards - Ron & Gordon Nominated!

Airship 27 Interview by DRG TV

River City Comics Expo

Assailant Comics

Jack Hammer

Zone 4's Top 5 for the Week of February 26, 2014

Direct download: zone40259.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on February 26, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #7: Week of Feb. 26, 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-007.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss con etiquette, which turns into more of a list of don'ts. But before they get to that, there's an update on Denver Comic Con, Heroes returning, Rocket Raccoon's comic series, Big Trouble in Little China, Constantine, Star Wars, True Detective, Farscape, and much, much more!

And, this week we have a new Facebook Shout-Out!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #258)

Sponsor of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

The Return of Heroes

Constantine Casting

More Photos of Lady Sif on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Big Trouble in Little China Series

Rocket Raccoon Series


Nerds and nerd-friends! The Chicago Nerd Social Club is proud to be participating in Chiditarod Chicago this Saturday by running the checkpoint station at Emporium Arcade Bar! Chiditarod is now in its 9th year of causing creative mayhem for a good cause: raising funds to benefit local organizations fighting hunger, and raising food donations for the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Last year the Chiditarod Foundation awarded $20K in grant money to organizations fighting hunger, and the event raised over 17K lbs of food and over $34K in funds. If you're interested in helping us smash those records, there are two ways you can do so: 1) Donate funds via our First Giving link - each checkpoint team is doing their part to raise funds for the Chiditarod Foundation. Help us show Chiditarod just how awesome the nerdy, geek community is - whether you're a Chicagoan or from out of town, we'd love to have your support in any amount you are able to give. 2) Donate food to the checkpoint! Emporium will have a food donation collection box at the bar through the race this Saturday! For a list of what would help the GCFD, go here: And if you're interested in checking out the race, spectators are welcome at the starting line and you can come visit us at Emporium, where we'll be staffing our checkpoint in Star Wars cosplay, with fun games for racers and the ORIGINAL trilogy screening at the bar. Also, Emporium will be carrying a SPECIAL LIMITED BREW from Illuminated Brew Works: ChiditaRye - a dry French Rye Saison, so come on down and try it! Bonus: Emporium is donating a portion of the day's profits to the event! Learn more at

Mr. Jigsaw #12

FOCO Comic and Gaming Festival

River City Comics Expo

Gia Giantess

Zone 4's Top 5 for the Week of February 19, 2014

Direct download: zone40258.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on February 19, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #6: Week of Feb. 19, 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-006.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The crew returns to discuss the latest issue of Mark Waid's Green Hornet!

But before that, they tackle several headlines, from trailers, to casting news, to graphic novels, to the Denver Comic Con rumblings and more.

And, this week we have a new Facebook Shout-Out!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #257)

Sponsor of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Denver Comic-Con Blow-Up

(Read More About the Denver Comic-Con Issue Here on CR!)

Caliber Comics Returns

Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer

Fantastic Four Cast Announced

X-Men: Days of Future Past Stills

Jada Pinkett-Smith Cast in Gotham

Revenge OGN from Marvel

Comic Frontline on YouTube

Media Madness

Mr. Jigsaw

River City Comics Expo

New Comic Day

Zone 4's Top 5 for the Week of February 12, 2014

Direct download: zone40257.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:43pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on February 12, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #5: Week of Feb. 12, 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-005.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Zone 4 #299: My Bloody, Funny Valentine

Chuck Moore makes his re-debut on the show, with John, Brant and guest Bill Gladman, for a special Valentine's Day episode!

We dive into some Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. talk, followed by a few headlines and Game of Thrones discussion, before we take on the topic of the week: Love in Comics!

We discuss everything from favorite and least favorite couples, to secret comic book crushes, to how comics have affected our own personal romantic lives!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #256)

Sponsor of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

We are also a proud member of the Comics Podcast Network.

Comics Podcast Network

This Week's Links and Topics

Deadly Hands of Kung Fu

Valiant Firsts

John Wesley Shipp Cast on The Flash

@JohnWComicsGuy for Weekly Live-Tweeting during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

River City Comics Expo

Independent Creators Expo (I.C.E.)

Derby City Comic Con

Assailant Comics

New Comic Day

Singularity: The Rise of the Posthumans

New Babel Books

Comic Frontline

Zone 4's Top 5 for the Week of February 5, 2014


CR Podcasting Network

Direct download: zone40256.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:44pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on February 5, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #4: Week of Feb. 5, 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-004.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

It's "New Classic" as Cary Kelley and Frank Raynor make their official debut as full co-hosts along with John and Brant. Technical issues abound, just like classic Zone 4, and hilarity ensues. It's a touch of RaynMan, free-flowing classic Zone 4, and our usual brand of insanity!

We discuss the Superbowl commercials, including the trailers for Amazing Spider-Man 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Transformers: Age of Extinction. And we break down a couple of lists we came across ranking the X-Men and Justice League.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #255)

Sponsor of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

Comics Podcast Network

This Week's Links and Topics

Super Bowl Commercials

Top 95 X-Men

Top 50 Justice League Members

Dead Reckoning


Red Handed Studios

River City Comics Expo

Independent Creators Expo (I.C.E.)

Derby City Comic Con

Singularity: The Rise of the Posthumans

New Babel Books

Comic Frontline


CR Podcasting Network

Direct download: zone40255.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16pm EDT

Welcome back to the Hall of Toys!

Brant and Chris are back with special guest Dan Sehn for a speciall All-Toy-Talk episode in celebration of our 15th episode!

First up, it's Toy Talk, we talk about everything from WWE, to Power Rangers, to Marvel Legends, to DC Direct, to Minecraft, to Mego, to Star Wars... you name it!

Then we all three have an And... Action Figure pick before closing out the show.

And an added note: New episodes of Hall of Toys, starting with this one, will also air on Comic Frontline's YouTube channel starting the week of February 16th! And past episodes of Hall of Toys will begin airing on Zone 4's YouTube channel the following week and every other week after that! So if you're behind or new to the show, you now have two more ways to experience Hall of Toys!

Also, check out Zone 4 #255 this Friday as Cary Kelley and Frank Raynor join Brant and John!

And don't forget to check out the Dark Avenger INC online store, where you can now purchase a Hall of Toys t-shirt!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hall of Toys, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show


Assassins Creed III/IV Series 2

Marvel Select The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man

7" Predator (Classic Video Game Apperance)

DC Total Heroes 6" Figure - Superman

DC Total Heroes 6" Figure - Batman

J. Scott Campbell Spider-Man Collection - Mary Jane Polystone Statue

Minecraft 3" Core Enderman with Accessory

Minecraft 3" Core Creeper with Accesory

Storm Trooper Target Version (Toys R Us Version is Gone from Website)

POP Heroes Harley Quinn Previews Exclusive Glow-in-the-Dark Vinyl Figure

Marvel Super Hero Mashers

Various Other Figures (Sin City, DC Direct, He-Man, etc.)

Mego Figures

Chris' Trash Pack Time Video

Dan's Life-Size Superman

WWE Figures at Toys R Us


And... Action Figure:

Dan's Pick

Neca Michael Keaton Batman Figure


Chris's Pick

TMNT Casey Jones


Brant's Pick

Injustice: Batman & Joker 3.75" Two-Pack

Direct download: HallofToys--015.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:30pm EDT

The crew is back with some general talk and headlines, including Quicksilver's costume in X-Men: Days of Future Past, the new Fantastic Four costumes, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and more.

Then it's on to the main topic, discussing the use of real world events in comics. The guys each give an example of such an occurrence, and then create their own!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

(Original Numbering: Episode #254)

Sponsor of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Empire 25 Covers

Fall of the First Family

Stan Lee Wants More Superheroes on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Walt Simonson Taking Sabattical from Mainstream Comics

Baron Von Strucker Cast in Avengers: Age of Ultron

Phoenix Books

Vatican Assassin Graphic Novel

Mike's ComiXology Releases

New World Navigation

Top Cow Talent Hunt

River City Comics Expo

Independent Creators Expo (I.C.E.)

Singularity: The Rise of the Posthumans

New Babel Books

Comic Frontline

Dark Avenger INC

Zone 4 Top 5 for 1/22/14

Direct download: zone40254.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:41pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on January 22, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #3: Week of Jan. 22, 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-003.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The crew is back to discuss the return of two favorite shows of theirs, Arrow and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Before that, we chat about various things from TV, to film, to comics, and Ron addresses the digs at his expense from last week. Plus a great pseudo-Facebook Shout-out!

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

So slap some bacon on that sandwich and get ready to enter the Zone!

(Original Numbering: Episode #294)

Sponsors of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Doctor Who Lands at Titan

Gal Gadot Signs 3-Picture Deal

No Stan Lee Cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy

Son of Batman Trailer

Details on Nyssa Al Ghul on Arrow

No JLA for Stephen Amell

Jesse L. Martin is Detective West in Flash

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episode 13 Details

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episode 13 Promo

Lady Sif on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bill Paxton Joins Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Reaper Co-Creators Board Agent Carter Series

Windy City Pulp & Paper Show

New World Navigation

Sgt. Janus Returns

As Tartary Burns

How the West Was Weird

Moonstone Books

Top Cow Talent Hunt

River City Comics Expo

Independent Creators Expo (I.C.E.)

Singularity: The Rise of the Posthumans

New Babel Books

Derby City Comic Con

Comic Frontline

Dark Avenger INC

Zone 4 Top 5 for 1/15/14:

Direct download: zone40253.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on January 15, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #2: Week of Jan. 15, 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-002.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The crew this time discusses the possible deconstruction of DC Comics' New 52, which leads into an interesting discussion on independent comics, digital comics and more!

Before that, we follow up on last week's topic of Amazing Spider-Man, and some updates for next week's shows.

Then there are some headlines from comics, film and television.

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

So slap some bacon on that sandwich and get ready to enter the Zone!

(Original Numbering: Episode #252)

Sponsor of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Nightcrawler Returns, Gets Own Series

Bruce Wayne in Gotham TV Show

Michael Douglas is Hank Pym

Wally West Debuts in New 52

DC Comics

Windy City Pulp & Paper Show

New World Navigation

Top Cow Talent Hunt

River City Comics Expo

Singularity: The Rise of the Posthumans

New Babel Books


Derby City Comic Con

Comic Frontline

Dark Avenger INC

Zone 4 Top 5:

CR Podcasting Network

Direct download: zone40252.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03pm EDT

The first episode of Zone 4's weekly Top 5.

This week, I rank my Top 5 from books released on January 8, 2014.

What made the cut?

(Original Numbering: Zone 4's Top 5 #1: Week of Jan. 8, 2014)

Direct download: Zone4-Top5-001.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The crew kicks off the new era of the show with Chris Ventura joining Brant, John and Ron (halfway through the show). The new father and the crew relive the 250th mega episode and have some fun up front.

Then it's on to some Comic Book Headlines with talk of the Image Expo that took place January 9th, the Wonder Woman rumors, Marvel's Original Sin event, Detective Comics #27, and more!

And then it's on to Topic Time as the leaked Amazing Spider-Man news sparks a conversation covering Spidey through the years!

(Original Numbering: Episode #251)

Finally, the guys wrap things up with some announcements.

So grab a bacon bowl and fill it with some Zone 4 goodness!

Sponsor of the Week

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!

This Week's Links and Topics

Image Expo

Wonder Woman Rumor 1

Wonder Woman Rumor 2

Marvel's Original Sin

Amazing Spider-Man #1 Leak

River City Comics Expo

Sgt. Janus Returns

Singularity: The Rise of the Posthumans

John Wilson's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Live Tweets

Derby City Comic Con

Comic Frontline

Dark Avenger INC


Comics Podcast Network

Direct download: zone40251.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:46pm EDT

This is it! The 250th episode of Zone 4!

We've promised huge announcements about the future of the show, and boy do we deliver!

The crew opens up with one of their famous radio drama skits to kick things off with a bang. And then it's into a very loose-format show this time around. No headlines, no Topic Time, just general conversation about comics, TV, film and much more!

We do have Facecbook Shout-Outs this week, four of them! And we do have plugs.

And then, of course, there are the announcements. We start sprinkling them throughout the show, then just barrel them out toward the end. There are also audio clips from certain individuals who you'll be hearing from a lot in the future!

Our special guest, Chuck Moore, had to back out sadly, and we missed him, but he'll be back!

So sit back, strap in, and grab some bacon candy... and let the celebration begin!

(Original Numbering: Episode #250)

Sponsor of the Week

The National Bacon Institute!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Zone 4, go here for details, or email us. If you'd like to donate to the show (one-time or monthly) see details here.

You can now find Zone 4 on as well!


This Week's Links and Topics

Airship 27 Entertainment

River City Comic Expo

Comic Frontline

Dark Avenger INC


CR Podcasting Network

Direct download: zone40250.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EDT

Welcome back to the Hall of Toys!

Brant and Chris are back with tons of discussion on toys, video games, card games and board games. But this time they have a special guest, as Lisa Moore joins them for the whole show!

First up, it's Toy Talk, with possibly our longest list of toys yet! From Power Rangers, to Power Batteries, from Tribbles to Transformers, we cover it all!

Then it's Game Gab, as Lisa kicks things off with a discussion of Hearthstone. From there, it's Nintendo's Network being down, Kickstarter games, Game of the Year and more!

After that, it's Table Top Talk, as we learn a certain video game and comic franchise has a game on Kickstarter, plus the Woodbury Expansion for The Walking Dead and more!

And finally, it's And... Action Figure! All three give a pick, plus an honorable mention

Kick off your New Year with HALL OF TOYS! And listen to Zone 4 #250 this Friday for a special announcement about the show!

And don't forget to check out the Dark Avenger INC online store, where you can now purchase a Hall of Toys t-shirt!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Hall of Toys, go here for details, or email us.

If you'd like to email us about the show, do so at HOT @ (no spaces).

Links to Some of the Stuff Discussed on the Show


Captain America: Winter Soldier

Batman Armory

White Lantern Power Battery

Stargirl Lead Figure

Blue Power Ranger

Star Trek Mama Tribble Plush

Super Alloy Justice League Superman

Superman Ed McGuinness Statue

Flash/Gorilla Grodd Statue

Kick-Ass 2 KA & Hit-Girl

Marvel Legends Series 2 Revision

Iron Man 3 Nendoroid Hall of Armor Set

Minecraft Core Steve

Mario Figures

Samus Aran Figma Figure

Samus Aran Zero Suit PVC Figure

Robocop Black Version

Cover Girls: Poison Ivy Statue

Amy Pond Figure

Dalek Army Builder Pack

10th Doctor with Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who Caliburn House Playset

Teen Titans: Robin & Cyborg

Optimus Prime


Soundwave MP3 Player

Kickstarter - Rivals - Steampunk Designer Toys - Set II

Game Gab

Lisa - Hearthstone

Nintendo Network Down on Christmas

Game of the Year 2013

Kickstarter - Novus AEterno

Kickstarter - War of Omens

Games Coming in 2014


Table Top Talk

The Walking Dead Board Game - Woodbury Expansion

More About The Walking Dead Board Game

Marvel NOW Trading Cards

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Board Game

Kickstarter - Bigfootses: The Card Game

Kickstarter - Mega Man The Board Game


And... Action Figure:

Lisa's Pick

Adventure Time 10" Super Posable Finn with Changing Faces


Chris's Pick


Marvel Legends Marvel's Hawkeye


Brant's Pick



Honorable Mention

Real Action Heroes Link

Direct download: HallofToys--014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:43pm EDT