Zone 4
Four friends engage in in-depth comic related discussion and all around good, fun conversation focused on the world of comics.

Brant is joined by Don "The Mayor" Johnston and Brandon "Brando" Barrows as the three talk about the first half and midseason finale of Season 3 of THE WALKING DEAD television series based on the hit comic by Robert Kirkman. There are SPOILERS for both the TV show and the comic, but we try to be very respectful and keep them light, and we do indicate spoiler alerts.

In true Zone 4 fashion, the discussion does veer off a couple of times, but it's all related in the end, and much fun is had.

 (Original Numbering: Zone 4 - Extra: The Walking Dead Season 3 First Half)

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Direct download: zone4extra-twds3b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT