Fri, 5 August 2011
Brant and Gordon are joined by Zone 4 reserves Bill Gladman and Mike Luoma as the four discuss their favorite villains in comics and other media, and why. From Joker, to Darkseid, to Boss Hogg (say what?)! Plus, the new format change and all the new reserves (which we affecitonately call the 'Magnificent Seven') are explained as the show moves forward. And if that wasn't enough, we give an update on the Zone 4 webcomic, the first strip of which you can see colored (by the wonderful Lisa Moore) down below! Art by Andrew Law. (Original Numbering: Episode #125) SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Zone 4 episode #125 is brought to you by: Webcomic by Brad Guigar, Updated 6 Days a Week! |