Zone 4
Four friends engage in in-depth comic related discussion and all around good, fun conversation focused on the world of comics.
(aka Countdown to Doomsfinity!)
The crew returns with a brand new episode of Zone 4, the first of 2018!
In this episode, they take a look back at highlights in the world of comics in 2017. Then they look forward and talk about some upcoming highlights in comics for 2018!
Some of the topics discussed:
Secret Empire
Doomsday Clock
Wild Storm
Bendis Goes to DC
Justice League Flops
Disney Buys Fox
The Wedding of Colossus and Kitty
Dan Slott's Amazing Run Ends?
Action Comics #1000
Earth-M (Milestone Reboot)
Black Panther Movie
Venom Anniversary
Aquaman Movie
If you missed the unedited raw version with preshow, post show and bloopers, become a Patron to gain access for just a dollar!
Direct download: zone40405.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:19am EDT